Introduced by Graphic Products, the FoamWerks line of foam board tools allow anyone to cut foam board and cell foam easily and precisely. FoamWerks tools are accurate and easy to use.
They’re perfect for framing, architectural and room models, signs, craft projects, home décor, school projects, and much more. All of the cutters feature ergonomic designs andquick-changeblades.
Cut perfect straight edges on any depth of foam board from 1/8" to 1/2". The Straight Cutter features adjustable blade depth, aquick-changeblade clip, a magnetic blade slot, anon-boardblade storage drawer, and five blades. It can be used with the FoamWerks Channel Rail.
**Straight Cutter**- Cut perfect straight edges on any depth of foamboard from 1/8" to 1/2". The Straight Cutter features adjustable blade depth, a quick-change blade clip, a magnetic blade slot, an on-board blade storage drawer, and five blades. It can be used with the FoamWerks Channel Rail. Use Replacement Blade C.
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